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Service - Alpha Epsilon Beta Chapter


Service is at the the core of this organization. Our brothers have a core philosophy of offering service to humanity based on the Scout Law. We provide service to our campus, our community, our fraternity and our nations. Below is a list of just some of the service events that we host, although we host many more as well.  

The Puppy Project

This year we teamed up with the Humane Society of Allen County. The Humane Society is an organization that we care deeply about and they are struggling. With the news that the Humane Society would be closing there doors soon if they did not start getting some help and donations, we took to the fraternity to do some brainstorming. We had been doing service with the shelter for a semester already and decided to do all we could to help them.


If you want to join us in the fight, click below to donate. 

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Operation Beautiful 

One of our chapters favorite events, Operation Beautiful promotes self love and friendship across the campus. Students write things the admire about themselves and their friends and take a picture with their note. They retrieve their photo from our Facebook page for future personal positive reinforcement.

Sole Hope 

Have old jeans that do not fit anymore? One of our chapters newest service projects is cutting shoe patterns out of jeans to send to Sole Hope, a group that provides shoes for families in Uganda, Africa. Starting as the service project for Fall 2016 Rush Week, APO now regularly cuts out shoe patterns for Sole Hope

Camp Berry

The AEB chapter has recently created a partnership with Camp Berry, The Boy Scouts of America, in Lima, OH. We help fulfill tasks needed in order to keep the camp clean, safe, and up to date.

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