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About Us

Chapter History


Alpha Epsilon Beta Chapter was founded on the campus of Ohio Northern University in 1998. Since then the chapter has had its ups and downs. Last year, AEB won the Most Improved Chapter at the Alpha Phi Omega Sectional COnference held in Dayton, OH. Since that time AEB chapter continues to thrive to become a bigger and stronger chapter. Currently we have over 70 members and all pledges have been initiated.

Golden Eagle



Emblems & Tradition




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National History


Alpha Phi Omega was founded December 16, 1925 by Frank Reed Horton and 13 other students, in Lafayette, Pennsylvania as a fraternity. However, in 1976, was opened to women as well. The fraternity is now based in Independence, Missouri. It is based on the Scout Oath of Boy Scouts of America. Now with nearly 400 chapters and over 400,000 members, APhiO is the largest Greek Letter organization in the nation. Alpha Phi Omega aims to provide service to humanity as well as developing leadership skills and providing fellowship to college students across America. Students can continue their work with the orgnization after they have graduated by volunteering as an alumni.

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Oak Tree

Be a Leader
Be a Friend
Be of Service

Vision Statement


To establish a diverse service program within the brotherhood and reputation on campus, to encompass varied fellowship events compatible with all brothers interests, and to attract invested and enthusiastic new members to uphold these and national Alpha Phi Omega ideals.

Who are we?


Alpha Epsilon Beta chapter of Alpha Phi Omega is a co-ed service fraternity located on the campus of Ohio Northern University. We offer service to our campus, community, nation and our chapter. Although we are service based, we provide lots of leadership and fellowship opportunities.




Brochure includes pledging and active member requirements as well as other chapter and organizational information



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& service


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